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Aiming to give every underwriter AI-powered decision making.

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a624f92958e73937b7312b_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-1.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">


Sixfold is the first generative artificial intelligence designed to solve the hardest problems in the insurance industry.


- Brand Identity
- Web Design
- Web Development
- Product Design


- AI
- Technology




The Challenge

Sixfold, a cutting-edge technology company specializing in generative artificial intelligence solutions, recognized the significant challenges faced by the insurance industry. With this, they built generative AI-powered tools solving the industry's hardest problems. And to achieve this goal, Sixfold needed a brand identity that would position them as a modern and approachable AI company. They also required a website that effectively showcased their innovative AI capabilities and provided a seamless user experience.

Our Approach

Understanding the importance of a strong brand identity, we conducted in-depth research to grasp Sixfold's vision, values, and target audience. We analyzed the insurance industry and its competitors to identify opportunities for differentiation. The insights gathered helped us devise a brand strategy that aligned with Sixfold's goals and set them apart in the market.

For the brand identity, we pursued a striking and dynamic direction that would inspire and invigorate. The unexpected color palette, with vibrant magenta as the primary hue, exuded a sense of boldness and innovation. The combination of this vibrant color scheme with clean typography and modern graphic elements resulted in a visually appealing and memorable brand identity.

Simultaneously, we embarked on designing and developing Sixfold's website on Webflow. The website's design utilized the brand's vibrant color palette, typography, and brand elements to maintain consistency and reinforce the modern and approachable nature of Sixfold.

The Final Point

The collaboration between our team and Sixfold resulted in the successful development of their brand identity and website. The striking brand identity conveyed the company's innovative approach, inspiring trust and confidence in potential clients. The website effectively showcased Sixfold's AI capabilities and provided a user-friendly experience that facilitated exploration and understanding of their solutions.

Since the launch of the brand identity and website, Sixfold has experienced positive feedback from clients and is positioned to succeed.

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a6288f0a0445c0a830fc7f_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-2.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">
<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a628902958e73937bace16_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-3.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">
<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a628902958e73937bace3f_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-4.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">
<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a624f7fd3f3f594c5f9560_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-5.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a624f8fd3f3f594c5f957c_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-6.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a624f81c888e32ab3ecc1c_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-7.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5fd944b6f859c79c59ff3ce9/64a624f8b22dc2d1b5b17939_sixfold-partywave-case-study-image-8.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" class="project-img">

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