A website for the future starts with quality design and a great user experience.

In this day and age, every company needs an effective web presence. Our goal is to capture the brand vision and bring it to life through customer-facing applications.

Our detailed process for every website constructed.


Discovery + Strategy

Our project kicks off with onboarding which includes setting goals and understanding priorities. From there, we dive into strategy and research, looking at your competitive landscape and identifying the website’s positioning within the marketplace.


Direction + Alignment 

During this second stage, we take a look at visual inspirations and curated design directions via mood boards, which can include websites, graphics, colors, typography, imagery, and more. Aligning on the general flow and content of the website is key to start designing.


Design + Refinement

Pen to paper…or cursor to Figma. For most projects, the homepage is always the initial focus. We use this first page as a design guideline for the rest of the site and create several homepage options based on our scope. From there, we pick a direction, make refinements, and extend to other pages and elements.


Development + QA

Partywave is a Webflow Professional Partner. Because of this, we use Webflow, the fastest and most flexible web solution for both developers and clients. Websites are optimized for all screens (desktop, tablet, mobile), and rigorously checked for accessibility, speed and overall performance.


Content + Imagery

High-quality imagery and effectively written content take a website from good to great. Our team offers web copywriting that puts a voice to your brand by building on strategy to inspire action from your audience. We put together the finishing touches by art directing any website visuals, and collaborating with photographers to ensure your product puts its best foot forward.


Launch + Migration

Our websites are built for speed and performance:  compressed imagery, headers, metadata, connected Google Analytics, and more... End result - happier users, and better business. We are also migration experts, which means moving to a new platform, like Webflow, is smooth, secure, and traffic isn’t impacted.

Lastly, a 30-minute training is standard upon handoff that will allow you to edit designs and content with ease.

What else?

Check out these other things we do to help your brand succeed.

  • Brand Positioning
  • Market Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Research & Audience Segmentation
  • Content Strategy
  • Brand + Product Naming
  • Identity Design
  • Tone of Voice
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Social Strategy
  • Web Design
  • UI/UX Design (Figma)
  • Art Direction + Packaging Systems
  • Illustrations + Product Visualizations
  • Interior Design Direction + Signage
  • Web Development: Webflow + Shopify (E-Commerce)
  • Mobile + Web Apps
  • CMS Configurations + API Integrations
  • Web Animations
  • Web Migrations
  • Client Onboarding + Web Audits
  • Technical Optimizations + On-Page SEO
  • Keyword Research + Content Writing (Articles)
  • Link Building + Outreach (Guest Articles)
  • Listing Management + Searchability Optimizations




Product Design

Other Design

Brand Strategy
Brand & Product Naming
Scope Definition
Product Definitions
Art Direction + Production
Market Research
Visual Identity Design
Sitemaps + Wireframes
Research + Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Tone of Voice
Web Design
User Flows
Product Visualizations
User Personas
Brand Guidelines
Web Development
Design + Prototyping
Content Creation
Brand Architecture
Brand Elements
CMS Configurations
Scaling + Validation


  • Brand Strategy
  • Market Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Personas
  • Brand Architecture


  • Brand & Product Naming
  • Visual Identity Design
  • Tone of Voice
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Brand Elements


  • Scope Definition
  • Sitemaps + Wireframes
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • CMS Configurations


  • Product Definitions
  • Research + Analysis
  • User Flows
  • Design + Prototyping
  • Scaling + Validation


  • Client Onboarding + Web Audits
  • Technical Optimizations + On-Page SEO
  • Keyword Research + Content Writing
  • Link Building + Outreach
  • Listing Management + Searchability Optimizations
    Web Migrations

What our clients are saying.

I felt like Partywave intuitively understood my vision and I trusted them to take full creative control. Collaborating with their team has been fun and their work ethic is one of a kind.

Kristi Vacanti, CEO & Founder of PPLA

We'd recommend Partywave to any agency, startup, or team that's in need of design and web expertise.

Max Hogan, Founder of Closing Media
Partywave arrow shape.

Interested? Let's get started.

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